Astral Travel

Check your body at the door and join the party on the Astral Plane

Explore Your Universe

In all my research, I have yet to find any empirical proof of an Astral Body, or "soul" which is separate from our bodies. However, I have had two near death experiences that I believe shook my soul loose from my body for at least one minute each time. And, I have left my body numerous times on purpose through visualization exercises, meditation and, a few times, with the aid of psychoactive substances (such as, the ergot mushroom, which I do not recommend).

There are people who will recommend the use of hallucinogenic substances to stimulate your ability to "leave your body." The problems with this line of thinking can be many. Firstly, it is difficult to know how you will react to "tripping" if you have never done it before... and it has been documented that some people get so fixated on one thing or problem that encompasses their entire trip and leaves them in tears and emotional turmoil for no reason. This is called a "bad trip." I've seen people on them, been there to talk them down at concerts or something... and I could never recommend someone go that direction. I've also seen people have beautiful experiences on such drugs as mushrooms or LSD and they really have looked blissful. But, there just doesn't seem to be a way to know which way you would go, and likely if there was any turmoil in your life, it would be magnified and exacerbated by the drug and cause you to lose perspective even when you "came down."

The other main reason I wouldn't recommend this route... other than it being illegal in most states... if you did have an astral experience while under the influence... how could you trust that it was real and not a fabrication of your mind as a result of a drug?

Visualization and Meditation

A much more altruistic and meaningful way to explore Astral Travel is through guided meditation and visualization exercises. I will be very happy to discuss with you the resources and approaches I have found helpful in my own experimentation with Astral Travel. I have several experiences in which I have visited friends who have claimed, without my saying anything, have called to tell me about the crazy dream they had about me that was so real. Maybe they were just dreams, that we both has, from a thousand miles away. Again, so hard to "prove scientifically". And yet... so real that it barely matters whether they were dreams or actually happened.

I can relate to you an experience I had once, via guided meditation and self-hypnosis... where I left my body and travel le at the speed of life to another world I have written about this in a screenplay and can remember this experience as vividly as any recent day in memory... even though it was nearly twenty years ago. After nearly twenty minutes of exploring volcanoes, flying with baby pterodactyls and diving deep into prehistoric waters of this alien world, I realized I had not traveled in distance, but rather in time, as far back as the birth of our planet, and then... as far into the future as 16 years. Very specific... I can tell you because of something I saw during that experience which came to be reality 16 years later when I reconnected with an ex-girlfriend from college and one day realized that where were that day, the setting, the emotion, what we looked like... I had seen it all in that vision 16 years earlier. Talk about deja vu!

Now... I cannot promise that you will have an out of body experience. I cannot promise that I have, even. It could all be a matter of my imagination. But the reality is... does it matter? If you can create a vision with your imagination that is so real that you remember it more vividly than most waking experiences as long as twenty years later... how is that not real? The point is that we can get you to relax through meditation and create an experience through visualization that will give you great insights into your situation, your desires and the reality you can create.