William Apollo

Educated, Experienced, Open Minded and Compassionate.

No easy beginnings.

William was born with mostly Italian blood... with a bit of French, German and English from his mother's mother. He is a second generation American from his three Italian Grandparents, while his non-Italian grandmother's family had been in the U.S. for several generations. William's parents were very young and foolish when they married and both had told him at some point that he was an accident. They never were so cruel as to say he was a mistake to his face... but that is how they treated him. His parents were divorced when he was only one year old and both remarried twice... to men and women who did not wish to have children.

Basically, William was on his own at a very early age. He was a "latch key kid" by the time he was in the second grade, and did not see much of his mother while she worked and went to night school. Every two weeks he would go to "visit his dad" which consisted of being picked up and dropped off with his father's parents. The one consistent joy William had from his family was his Italian grandmother. William spent most of his visits in the kitchen, learning and helping to cook. His grandmother, "Mary" was originally from a small fishing village on the Eastern coast of Italy. William and many of his cousins turned out to be artists, musicians and spiritualists... and all of them have attributed these genes and inherited traits to Grandmother Mary and her side of the family.

William's mother married a second time when he was seven. His new stepfather began to physically abuse him the day of the wedding and did not stop hitting, punching, burning, teasing, etc. until five years later when William grew big and strong enough to fight back. It only took one punch to knock his stepfather to the ground and out of his life. At least, physically. It took years of therapy, martial arts training and spiritual learning for William to recover from the years of abuse he had survived. In fact, he admits it is a daily struggle which will likely last the rest of his lifetime. It is this struggle that has inspired William to offer his knowledge and sensitivity to help others by volunteering at a favorite non-profit charity, and also to open his heart and mind to anyone who wishes to consult with him as their Astral Advisor.

Apollo Rising

William was born with a very high IQ which led him to do very well in math and science classes in school. He was also a varsity athlete and was recruited by a well known University. When he graduated high school, he went immediately to college and began his studies in Aerospace Engineering, while also spending a great deal of time in sports practice as he was on a track to Olympic Qualifications. One fateful day, William was hit by a car while riding his bike to practice. William was thrown more than twenty feet and was very nearly killed. In fact, he has related his memories of what he experienced while unconscious which resemble the "white light" stories you have heard. His physician confirmed in the emergency room that William was dead for about a minute before resuscitation. His sports career was immediately ended that day because of the injuries to his legs. However, William was arduous with physical therapy and retraining his body and managed to recover far more than anyone gave him hope for. He has not been a competitive athlete since then, but has led a very active lifestyle and enjoys skiing, snowboarding, surfing, bicycling and many more sports.

William was focusing on physical recovery from his accident, but had not prepared for the emotional and spiritual crisis that ensued from having his greatest personal ambition to compete at the Olympics, literally ripped away from him. Until the accident, he never considered the emotional damages caused by his stepfather or by other cases of abuse he suffered as a child but had not even remembered. It all came flooding back to him, including the recurring dreams he had as a child but never understood and visions he found in dreams and nightmares all his life that suddenly made sense when he confronted the people in his family and his church who had done him wrong.

William grabbed hold of his own life at the age of 19 and broke a chain that could have gone on all his life... a chain of addiction, abuse, neglect and hurtfulness. He vowed never to treat people as he had been treated, and he vowed to help people who had been treated as he had been. William left school for a couple years to pursue his physical and emotional healing and also to learn who he really was and what his new ambitions would be. He learned that he was an artist and embraced his camera as a main mode of expression. His love of writing and research also found their way to the top and when William went back to college, he graduated with a degree in Broadcasting and Film.

It only took a couple of years of working in Los Angeles and dealing with the superficiality of the "industry" out there before he got fed up and left for a lifetime of travel and independent production as a photographer and independent film/video director. William has another "stage name" he has used for almost twenty years as an actor and filmmaker, but that is another Website.

While focused on recovery from his injuries, William was introduced to an amateur astrologer at a party who sensed an awareness in him and by the end of the night had brought him to a private place and literally dissected his astrology with a bluntness and accuracy that literally blew his mind. William had read new age, self help books and such as a teenager... but never considered the actual science of astrology and all the other means of divination and self discovery that the universe has had to offer for thousands of years. William was baffled at how deep the insights were offered to him that night. The astrologer described aspects of his personality... emotionally, sexually, spiritually... that William had never even discussed with his closest friends.

The astrologer also made William aware of his own sensitivity and intuition. She made him "aware of his awareness," is how he puts it. William began to understand that he had been living life as a fool who had not conquered the negativity and pain in his life and was constantly reacting to the world as if by default according to his astrology. Which... when you are a consummate Sagittarius... means you've likely hurt a lot of people's feelings without realizing it. His sudden awareness of his own stars gave William an instant passion for learning more about himself and more about the astrological and paranormal forces which influence others, whether they know it or not. From there, William studied Astrology, Tarot, Chinese Astrology, The Book of Changes, and much more. And, he learned how to think before opening his big Sagittarius mouth and putting his foot in there all the time!

William is now approaching the age of Fifty and has realized the time has come to offer his abilities to serve people as an Astral Advisor more than just with friends and family. He does not claim to be have a PhD or to be a licensed psychiatrist, therapist, lawyer or any other "professional services" field. William is simply here to be someone who cares, who offers great powers of observation and honesty and has learned how to share these qualities in a friendly and comforting manner. William operates as would a Muse... he does not demand payment but does accept tips, gifts, paid travel and other means of showing your appreciation for his time and attention to your details.

  • Sun Sign: Sagittarius
  • Rising Sign: Gemini
  • Moon Sign: Gemini
  • Chinese Astrology: Monkey
  • Lifetime Student of Bushido, Wado Ryu and The Art Of Peace